Vicariate-based LCS

In our society now, truth is being maligned, distorted, and tweak to fulfill one’s selfish intentions and not to serve the very purpose of God. Family and Life, God’s great gifts to man, are being destroyed by the devil through the Culture of DEATH. This culture devalues the meaning of our original design and identity that God created us.

· Culture of DEATH espouses Gender Ideology seeking to redefine what is manhood and womanhood.

· Gender Ideology denies the difference between men and women has natural and biological foundations. This ideology pushes that this is only a social and cultural construct.

· Gender identity is an innate, fixed property of human beings that is independent of biological sex, that a person might be a man trapped in a woman’s body or vice versa.

This ideologue is now present in our society now. We can now see it in our educational system being rampantly promoted. There are legislative bills that seeks to normalize the acceptance of gender ideology that is a radical attack on families. It is our mission in Live Christ Share Christ to always proclaim the Truth. Let everyone understand the real plan and purpose of God for our manhood and womanhood. Let us always listen to the authentic teachings of the Church.

· Seek the Beauty of who we are: God never makes mistakes. He willed us to be created in His Image and Likeness. Let us appreciate in awe who we truly are. We are His beloved sons and daughters. 

· Seek what is Good: The Catholic Church handles issues of gender and sexuality with a motherly concern and compassion. She understands that those who struggle with these situations face a very real and difficult daily life. The Church journey with everyone to a path that leads to heaven.

· Seek the Truth: God created us as male and female. Look always at the Cross whenever the world confuses us of our real design and identity. Learn the authentic teachings of Christ and be an advocate in proclaiming it.

We call on our fellow Catholics to also seek what is True, Good, and Beautiful. 

· To our Catholic Legislators: Enact laws that will promote the welfare of Filipino Families.

· To our Catholic Educators: Proclaim and teach the authentic Catholic values and tradition to the young. May you lead every young people to a life of holiness and purity.

· To Catholic Organizations and Institutions: The world now lives in poverty of truth and let us be a beacon of God’s truth to the world by doing New Evangelization.

Let us take into heart what St. Augustine told us: “The greatest kindness one can render to any man is leading him to the truth.”

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