shaken faith

We are a people of faith. We might even say, strong faith. If someone were to ask us if we would ever falter in our faith, we would say no. That is what the apostles thought too. Jesus dropped another bombshell. “This night all of you will have your faith in me shaken” (Mt 26:31a). […]

Is it I, Lord?

During the Last Supper, Jesus dropped a bombshell. “Amen, I say to you, one of you will betray me, one who is eating with me.” (Mk 14:18). That was a shock, and the reaction of the apostles was fast. One by one they said, “Surely it is not I?” Surely it cannot be any of […]

from that time on

“From that time on” points to a significant shift in direction. It was so then, but something happened, and from that time on it is now this. It speaks of a turning point. For Jesus, it marked the beginning of his Galilean ministry, after he had fasted forty days and forty nights and after he […]