In our society now, truth is being maligned, distorted, and tweaked to fulfill one’s selfish intentions and not to serve the very purpose of God. Family and Life, God’s great gifts to man,
In our society now, truth is being maligned, distorted, and tweaked to fulfill one’s selfish intentions and not to serve the very purpose of God. Family and Life, God’s great gifts to man,
April 29, 2015 Today’s psalm: Psalm 67:2-8 Today’s psalm, a prayer of petition for a bountiful harvest, could as well be our prayer for the
FOUNDATIONAL ASPECTS There are five very important, if not crucial, foundational aspects of evangelistic spirituality to be considered, if this evangelization program will be effective,
MAJOR ASPECTS While there are many things that should be looked at in order to strengthen the Church and prepare her for the ongoing struggles
GREATER THAN SOLOMON AND JONAH “This generation is an evil generation” (Lk 11:29b). These words of Jesus are very appropriate for today’s generation. There is
THE NEW EVANGELIZATION Given its destiny as God’s light in Asia and the world, given its inherent weakness in faith, given the dire threat of
Live Christ Share Christ is a movement that aims to mainstream Catholic lay evangelization, reaching to the grassroots at the peripheries, in response to the call to the New Evangelization.
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